I have been in the food and health world for over a decade as the owner of two organic grocery stores and a certified health coach. Before that I was in the corporate world, working for large companies in different sales and management capacities. I spent my corporate days mostly on the road/in the air, working 70-80 hours/week, eating crap/stress eating, sleeping rarely and wondering why I wasn't "happy".
It was in my late twenties that I finally started waking up to the craziness I was putting myself through and started learning about health and wellness as not only what I put on my plate (or shoveled in my face in secret) but also how I live my life. I discovered that my passion was sustainable, healthy food and left my corporate ladder climbing in search of a more authentic, vibrant and balanced life. What I didn't realize was that I brought the patterns with me to my new life/business and was still working a million hours a week, scheduling myself every minute and still pushing myself to be "the best" (whatever that meant).
My existence as a high achieving, high expectation wielding, no mercy kind of person started to majorly affect my personal wellness and my relationships. I knew I had to quit d*cking around and implement real change. I could no longer push myself relentlessly, exist on very little sleep, rely on food for comfort or stress relief and put the key relationships in my life on the back burner. I wasn't living the life I claimed I wanted to live and as we all know, we are the only ones who can implement change into our own lives. And so I started to do just that. I chose to slow down, take breaks, release the guilty feelings I had when I wasn't being productive and started to prioritize the important people in my life.
It's been a long road for me (and it's not over) but one that has been filled with so much reward as I continue on this journey. Every day isn't perfect but that is part of life and it's how we chose to handle those days that ultimately affect our authentic happiness and joy. I have learned so much and been able to grow into a happier, healthier and truly more vital human. I know that I can help support others to become who and what they really want to be. I know because I have done it myself.
If my story resonates with you at all, check out my Free Consultation as well as my Six Month Health Coaching program. I know that if we choose to work together, you will achieve your health and wellness goals. And imagine how awesome that will feel!